Legal Stuff
This site is and in some contexts is referred to as "Policy Bear," "PolicyBear " or "Ask Policy Bear." The site will have content that changes from time to time, and we make no warranties as to the availability of content at any time.
PolicyBear contains political opinions from various contributors and users, and does not indicate the support or agreement of any organization, employer, or client a contributor might be affiliated with.
Any information on PolicyBear is accurate and true to the best of our knowledge, but omissions, errors, or mistakes are possible. When PolicyBear becomes aware of such inaccuracies, they will be addressed or not addressed in a manner deemed appropriate by PolicyBear. PolicyBear makes no warranties as to the accuracy of the information provided.
The information presented is for discussion and informational purposes only and -- unless otherwise noted -- should not be considered as legal, tax, financial, or any other kind of advice. Consult with an appropriately licensed professional before taking any action based on information presented on PolicyBear.
PolicyBear reserves the right to change these terms at any time without notice, and to alter posts, comments, or any other information on this site at our sole discretion.
Some features of this website may not be available to users who have disabled cookies on their browser.
Users and contributors acknowledge that PolicyBear has a permanent license to use or repost any content they post to or e-mail to PolicyBear, for any purposes whatsoever.
User Conduct Guidelines
By using this site or PolicyBear's associated social media spaces, users and contributors represent that they will refrain from the following prohibited conduct:
Post or otherwise transmit anything that is unlawful, fraudulent, or defamatory,
Post or otherwise transmit anything deemed vulgar, obscene, or sexually explicit,
Knowingly present false information as true,
Threaten a person or group, or engage in any kind of hate speech,
Invade the privacy of another person or group, or engage in "doxxing,"
Encourage or imply support of harmful criminal conduct,
Employ malicious or harmful software or other device,
Engage in any activity that would harm the reputation or standing of PolicyBear or its contributors or users,
Engage in name-calling, taunting, or any other conduct designed to harass, or
Any other activity that PolicyBear deems harmful.
PolicyBear reserves the right to delete or otherwise regulate users or contributors at our sole discretion.